I realize that I am seriously tempting fate with this post but, “What happened to winter?” As an aging baby boomer, I am becoming less and less fond of the cold, Central Pa weather. I am finding myself drawn to the “snow bird life” more and more every time I step out of my warm office, home or car. Having said that, as an owner of several heating and air conditioning companies, our business survives in extreme temperatures. This winter has been a real bust for us, the local snow removal companies, our ski resort, etc, etc.
We tend to be very dependent on extended, frigid temperatures sometime during the winter months. A good 7-10 day, single-digit temperature snap is good for business. I jokingly tell friends that “you can’t break ’em, if you don’t use ’em”. While a bit facetious, there’s a fair amount of truth in that statement in our industry. Admittedly, I’m not a scientist and don’t claim to understand the facts of climate change but, there’s something amiss right now with the current weather cycles that are wreaking havoc on our industry.
So, what does that mean to us at Goodco Mechanical and Bovard Heating & Cooling. For one, we have offered early discounts on AC and heat pump installs this year. Secondly, we will be offering discounts for anyone visiting us at the upcoming Blair and Centre County Home Shows. And final, our manufacturers are doing the same with rebates and special financing in order to sell more equipment going into Spring and Summer. There’s never been a better time to upgrade or replace!
While I’m not incredibly fond of blistering heat either, I’m looking forward to a Central Pennsylvania scorcher this summer to help get us back on track again. I will apologize in advance if this happens and you see me, and my employees, with smiles on our faces. We’re just looking forward to visiting you a little more often 🙂