Preventative Maintenance

Since your heating and air conditioning system can account for up to 50% of your energy usage, it pays to make sure the system is in optimal condition. Properly maintained equipment operates more efficiently, saving you money in the long run.

Just like your car needs regular tune ups and oil changes, so does your heating and air conditioning equipment. We recommend that your equipment receives a regular check up twice a year. Our Preventive Maintenance Agreement provides an affordable program that ensures your systems will be maintained at the beginning of each heating and cooling season. Contact us for a complete description of the maintenance services we provide and costs for your specific equipment.

Some of the benefits of properly maintained equipment include:

  • Extended life of your unit
  • Increased air flow
  • Decreased utility costs
  • Decreased costly, unexpected repairs
  • Reduced risk of emergency repairs during the worst times of the year
  • Maintains your manufacturer warranty

Schedule an Appointment

Call us at 814.238.8180 or click below to send us an email!

All customers who have a current maintenance agreement with Goodco Mechanical receive a 15% discount on any needed repairs.