
Last time, I dealt with 2 myths regarding the Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & Heating ductless heat pumps.  This week, I hit a few more.


Myth #3 – I enjoy my hot water baseboard heat when it’s really cold out and don’t want to lose that…even though the cost of home heating oil is killing me.


Answer – Great news, you can keep your hot water heat if you like and also drastically reduce your oil usage.  The standard Mitsubishi Electric ductless heat pump, if properly sized,  provides plenty of warmth without any supplemental heating to about 15 degrees outside air temperature.  That means, you only need to use your oil boiler when the temperature gets close to single digits.  Think about the cost savings you’ll see by reducing the heating oil use during 80% or more of the heating season.  Remember, in Pennsylvania, we are heating our homes a lot more than we are cooling them.


Myth #4 – I really don’t want the noise of that unit in my family room or master bedroom.

Answer – I have included a list of some common noise levels compared to that of the Mitsubishi indoor unit

Some common sound levels (in decibels) to compare the quiet Mitsubishi system:


  • Police siren …………………….. 118 decibels
  • Normal fan on high speed ……….100
  • Conventional AC compressor …. 88
  • Vacuum cleaner ………………… 74
  • Normal conversation …………… 60
  • Mitsubishi 3-ton compressor
  • operating on high ……………… 55
  • Whisper-tone voice …………….. 35
  • Mitsubishi indoor unit
  • operating from low to high …… 19 – 34

Having sold well over 200 of these systems in the past few years, I have yet to receive a “noise complaint” on the Mitsubushi Electric ductless indoor units.

That’s it for today.  Next time, more myth busting.