[row] Mitsubishi Electric City-Multi Heat Pumps [/row]

Goodco Mechanical recently completed work on the Kish Bank Building in Lewistown, Pa.  The project consisted of several Mitsubishi Electric City-Multi VRF Heat Pumps as well as a RenewAire Energy Recovery Ventilators.  Mark Hoffman was Goodco’s foreman on this project along with assistance from Toby Hoffman and Brian Price.

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[row] Mitsubishi Ceiling Cassette Units [/row]

The advantage of using the Mitsubishi VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow) systems are the opportunity to take advantage of simultaneous heating and cooling as well as individual, zoned control.  The energy savings realized from utilizing such a system make the payback very reasonable for the business.  Goodco Mechanical has performed well over a dozen of these commercial Mitsubishi systems and over 1,200 residential Mitsubishi systems.  We are proud to be a Mitsubishi Electric Diamond Commercial Contractor as well as the only residential Mitsubishi Electric Diamond Elite Contractor in Central Pa.    When it comes to ductless and VRF, we know our stuff!!