This week, I had the the opportunity to meet with students from Ken Hassinger’s HVAC class at Central Pa Institute of Science and Technology, better known as CPI. This annual pilgrimage to CPI has become an important chance for me to share and mentor the students on items they might not here everyday in the classroom.  The topics of discussion were interviewing, planning a career and generational cooperation between Baby Boomers, Gen Xers and Millennials.


I was also pleased to have my good friend Joe Battista join me and provide valuable input and feedback. His insights were spot-on and added immensely to the conversation. Finally, Goodco employee and CPI graduate Brian Price talked to the students about life after school and what to expect in the “real world”.

[row] Brian Price talking to CPI students [/row]

I am passionate about helping young adults evaluate career opportunities. We have created a culture in our highly educated town that tends to funnel kids into college that may have greater chances to succeed in a trade or technical school. I am not anti-college, in fact, I have a degree in architectural engineering from Penn State University and am very proud AND SHOCKED of that accomplishment (just ask my mother). I believe there are so many opportunities now for young adults to excel in the construction trades due to an improvement in the economy and retirement of baby boomers. The sky is the limit!


Thanks to the staff at CPI for allowing us to visit and we look forward to employing some of the best an brightest from that program and others as we try to do our part in stimulating the economy by creating great jobs.

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